Making a resolution every year always seemed so cliche to me. It was almost an eye-roller to here the same one year after year to lose weight or get healthy. It was always a joke to see the parking lot for the gym full in January, desolate in February. But, I'm a cliche person. I too make resolutions every year, although I do try to be more specific than "be healthy" or "lose weight." Given my last weigh in with the doctor, "lose weight is a must."
I remember one year, my resolution was a bit peculiar. I was almost embarrassed to say it, but once I explained it, it was quite good. I resolved to "have clear pee." Yes, strange indeed. I had just learned the truth about water and staying hydrated. That you must keep drinking it constantly, the second your pee is yellow, or you feel thirsty, you are dehydrated. So with that odd resolution, that year I was hydrated for the most part.
2007's resolution (well, one of them. I never make just one) was to be green. I researched ways to be mor environmentally friendly. Although I never did drop off that tub to the recylers, I did learn new habits. Then moving to California helped keep me in my place, where they come to you to recycle. Although I feel guilty about that box of plastics in the dumpster, I feel much better about the water I try to conserve and the glass and plastic I DO recycle now, and the habits I try to teach to my young daughter.
After that long introduction, I think I'd better share this years resolutions, in depth of course (did you really expect a one-liner?)
#1 Form healthy habits-I don't want to propose to go to the gym and be gung ho for a few weeks then stop. I want to set up a routine that becomess habit so 2010 won't be the only healthy year. I have already set up a plan for this.
*Drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water a day.
*Stick the the proper amounts of servings a day-I bought a kitchen scale and I'm now measuring and journaling everything I eat and feel fantastic! I have dropped 10 pounds so far
*Fit at a minimum of 90 minutes of exercise a week-I am proud to say that I walked to the grocery store and back (that milk was hard on my shoulders, htough) and the video store, and done yoga with a friend so far before the new year. Luckily my best friend is unhappy with her dietary habits as well, and we are both accountable to each other.
#2 Focus on family. Pretty much since the summer, we haven't had a schedule or routine in our lives. In the last few weeks, I have gone back to basics. This year I resolve to stick to a routine, especially at bedtime, with Lexi. I vow for more family time, games and activities and whatnot in place of TV and movies, and for family dinner time at the table. I have been able to stick to these in the last few weeks, but I pray that my husband will be on board with this and support me.
What really could have been a few sentences, have filled the page with past, present and what I hope a healthy future. I am confident this will be a good year, and I am confident I will make that happen. In closing, Happy New Year, I hope it finds you "healthy, wealthy and wise."
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